John Sturgeon is a lecturer in social work at The University of the West of Scotland in Dumfries, Scotland. He has experience of Children’s Hearings throughout the length of his career. His academic and research interests are in French probation practice, rural social work, and the needs of elderly military veterans. He has made contributions to learning about adult probation at l'Université de Champagne-Ardenne in Reims, l'École Nationale d'Administration Pénitentiaire, l'Université de Bordeaux, and within probation teams in France.
with Elodie Leygue-Eurieult, « “NEEDS NOT DEEDS”: The Scottish Children’s Hearing and the Enduring Legacy of Lord Kilbrandon », Criminocorpus, in L’enfance au tribunal. Enjeux historiques, perspectives contemporaines, 30 March 2020.